Salty and Shining

August 18, 2024

Series: Kingdom Living

Book: Matthew

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Scripture: Matthew 5:13-16

Passage in a Sentence: For the glory of God and the good of a world perishing in sin’s darkness, we are to grow in our relationship with Christ so we will grow in our reflection of Christ.



  1. In what way(s) did God speak to you today through His Spirit and His Word?
  2. How has your life been affected by someone displaying Christ’s love and light to you?
  3. When is a time you glorified God because of something another believer said or did?
  4. Who is someone you know whose life consistently points to the goodness and graciousness of Christ? Would anyone think of you? Why or why not?
  5. How is what you are learning from God’s Word impacting how you are living? Why should it?
  6. How can our accountability with each other help our consistency as disciples?
  7. Why does spiritual fruitfulness depend on spiritual faithfulness?
  8. In what ways is your pursuit of sin working against your usefulness in the Kingdom?
  9. How is the love of Christ reflected in your conversations?
  10. What are ways you are tempted to conceal Christ’s light in your life? Why are you tempted to hide His light?
  11. How can we let our light shine before others but make sure it’s about God’s praise and not our own?
  12. Why does it matter that the good works we do are fueled by genuine growth in Christ and not just a spiritual performance?