Our Hebron Senior Adults, known as Encore, is a lively group of couples and singles aged 60+. We seek to put Christ first in our lives by gathering in worship on Sundays, growing faithfully in Connect Groups and Bible studies, and serving in various areas in the church and community. You’re never too senior to grow and serve.
There’s a place for you at Hebron. We would love for you to attend one of our Connect Groups, join an Equipping Class, and participate in an upcoming trip. We also have plenty of opportunities to serve the church and the community.

The Chosen Bible Study.
Starting on February 20, we will begin the next Bible study on the series “The Chosen.” It will focus on Season 4, which follows the last year of Jesus’ ministry on earth. The enemies of Jesus close in while His followers struggle to keep up, leaving him to carry the burden alone. You’re invited to join us from 5-7:30 p.m. in room B100 on Thursdays. Snacks will be provided, and registration is not required. Each week, we will watch an episode of the series then enjoy discussion.
As part of the Encore Senior Adult Ministry, we offer events and gatherings for our seniors who are single or single again. To view upcoming events and registrations, please click below.
Caregiver Workshop
& Support Group.
Caregiver Workshop & Support Group is for anyone helping a loved one. We offer a time to socialize, learn about resources, engage in activities designed specifically for caregivers. Registration is not required.

Encore Senior Adults: Christmas at the Cove
On December 5-6, 2025, we'll be traveling to the Billy Graham Training Center at the Cove! We’ll see Travis Cottrell in concert, enjoy great meals, and wonderful fellowship.
Space is limited! A $75 deposit/person will be collected during registration. It is nonrefundable but is transferrable.
- $325/person TOTAL (including deposit) for double occupancy
- $225/person TOTAL (including deposit) for single occupancy
Upcoming Hebron Senior Adult Events
Richard Sims
770-962-3671, ext. 272