Scotland Update 5: An Exchange of Cultures

The last two days of Holiday Club were amazing! We had between 10 and 14 children, and even a new face or two! We presented the gospel message and what it means to become a believer. Several children asked great questions to learn more. It was very evident seeds were planted! Our prayer now is the people of Collydean will continue to water those seeds and that many children will give their lives to Jesus as well as bring their families along!

Friday, we had a Scottish American night with Haggis and hot dogs. The entire community was invited, and we had a huge turnout! We made authentic American chili cheese hot dogs and the Scots served haggis, neeps, and tatties (Neeps are mashed turnips and tatties are mashed potatoes). I don’t know for certain what is in haggis but I am 100% certain, whatever it is, I am allergic! Haha! We also made typical American desserts, strawberry jello pretzel salad, and watergate salad. They absolutely loved these desserts! We were so happy! They taught us several Scottish jigs and line dances, and we taught them the chicken dance, the Cha Cha Slide, and Church Clap!



The Collydean pastor is a trained concert violinist. He and another church member played the accordion and treated us to several Scottish tunes throughout the night! The children got to show off some of the songs they learned during Holiday Club.We also were treated to a bagpipe solo by a 16-year-old! She was amazing! We spent the evening fellowshipping, talking to the parents of the children who came to Holiday Club, encouraging them to come visit the church, and talking to others in the community who came! Our prayer is Collydean will have many families visit throughout the next few weeks and the church will experience growth as they never have!


We spent Saturday visiting the farm of a parishioner who raises Clydesdale horses. We rode in a horse-drawn buggy around the town and through fields. The landscape is simply amazing. We also visited a tiny Scottish harbor village where we walked along the shore looking at the beautifully colored rocks! We may have picked up one or two! 😉

Today, the service at Collydean Church was full, and several new faces came after attending one of the community events this week. God is moving in this community. After church, we had a barbecue and spent one last day encouraging the church and supporting them in any way we can. Our hearts are full; we have seen evidence of answered prayer all week, and we know that our God is a good God! We are truly blessed!

– Libby Alligood & the Scotland Team


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