Hebron Students

Knowing, Growing, and Sharing the Gospel


Hebron Students offers a place where students can know Jesus Christ as their all-sufficient Savior, grow in their faith, and share the gospel as they go about their lives. Our students can worship with others their age and serve locally, nationally, and internationally.

Sunday 9:30 a.m. Worship

Sunday 11 a.m. Connect Groups

Wednesday 6 - 8 p.m.

When students step on Hebron’s campus, they can know there is a place for them to belong and engage with other believers through corporate worship, small groups, and missions opportunities.


When We Meet


Join us for worship with all ages at 9:30 a.m. in the worship center. We meet in Connect Groups after the service at 11:15 a.m. in Building A in the Middle School Theater. Connect Groups are designed to provide community, encouragement, and accountability for our students. In Connect Groups, students experience Word-driven discussion as they explore and apply the morning’s sermon.


Midweek Worship //  6-8 p.m. in Building A in the High School Theater. Midweek Worship is a worship service designed specifically with students in mind. We begin the night hanging out together, and then we transition to a time of worship through song and text-driven teaching.

Plan your first visit

First Name(Required)
Last Name(Required)
square summer camp

2025 Generate Summer Camp

This year for summer camp, we will be attending YM 360’s Generate CONNECT camp May 27-31! We will be at Covenant College in Lookout Mountain, GA. Our students will be grouped in villages (small groups) and will spend their days together in Bible study and dynamic recreation/group-building activities. Adults from our church will lead the village Bible studies throughout the week!

Registrants need to complete a 2025 Hebron Church Release Form. You can find the form here.

Registration is required.

Cost: $359/student and $259 for each additional student.

Frequently Asked Questions

Students meet in our Middle School and High School areas in Building A. We have a check-in process in place to make sure your students are safe on our campus.


Alec Emenhiser
770-962-3671, ext. 239

Daniel Rowland
770-962-3671, ext. 239

Upcoming Hebron Student Events

Next Gen Resources

Next Gen Key Disciplines and Doctrines

What key questions do we continually ask? What are the key aspects of discipleship? What are key doctrines? What are seven commitments for the discipleship of the next generations?

Next Gen Milestones

How do we assist our NextGen Ministries and their families to know the gospel, grow in the gospel, and go with the gospel?

Next Gen Forms

Medical Release

We must have a medical release on file for your child to participate in any off-campus activities.

Middle & High School Event Scholarship Application

The Event Scholarship Application is for those who are financially unable to pay for their child to participate in camp.