Kenya Mission Trip



Rejoice Project, Kenya

Choose to Invest is leading a team to Kenya for a special opportunity to work alongside Kenyan leaders and invest in the children in the community through a Rejoice Project camp. 

Download or view the Daily Prayer Guide

Trip Dates

July 11-20, 2024

Trip Contact

Olivia Alligood

Mission Trip Updates

Kenya Update 5: Coming Home

We returned to Nairobi last night after an amazing and fruitful week serving in the community. Today consisted of a game drive, some quick shopping for gifts for home, and some valuable fellowship time to say goodbye to the Kenyan staff that we have grown so close to over this last week. Then, it was…

Kenya Update 4: Rejoice Project & Kids

The last two days we had the opportunity to partner with Rejoice Project leaders to minister to 100 children. These leaders volunteer each week to teach in schools and churches, teaching the gospel and making disciples. Because of their investment in the next generation, they are often called on by the community to help serve…

Kenya Update 3: Visiting in the Community

Today, we had the incredible opportunity to visit the homes of four families in the community. We were able to get a glimpse of the lives of the people here and the everyday tasks that families have to do to prepare meals. We were able to serve the families by helping with these everyday tasks…

Kenya Update 2: Celebrating Pastor Trainings

Today was powerful as we assisted with and celebrated the culmination of three years of pastor training in the community. The day consisted of a recap of the lessons these Kenyan pastors were taught and a ceremony handing out Completion Certificates. Certificates are big deal in their culture, both to validate their authority as a…

Update 1: Kenya’s First Two Days

What a blessing our time in Kenya has already been in these first two days! We had a great first day exploring the local city. We spent time with the wonderful leaders that are here serving in their communities day in and day out. We were also able to visit the site of the water…