Kenya Update 4: Rejoice Project & Kids

The last two days we had the opportunity to partner with Rejoice Project leaders to minister to 100 children. These leaders volunteer each week to teach in schools and churches, teaching the gospel and making disciples. Because of their investment in the next generation, they are often called on by the community to help serve and care for people. It truly is the Church in action.

The message we shared through the Rejoice Children’s Camp was that as followers of Jesus, we are image bearers made by God to reflect and rejoice!

Robbie taught the Bible lessons. Stacy taught science and how everything points back to God. Benjamin and Micah led the games, and I partnered with Rejoice leaders for the art class (I needed all the help I could get)!


We left each child with a Bible and the things they made that tell the story of God’s creation, our sinfulness, his redemption, and the restoration to come!

– Nathanael Avery

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