East Africa Update 3: Worship and Fellowship

Today was an incredible day of worshipping the Lord through song, dance, and fellowship! It was amazing to worship the Lord with our East African brothers and sisters in Christ. Their passion for the Lord and worshipping Him was so inspiring and encouraging. 

We went to a home in the community for a water filter follow up! The family is doing well, which was a blessing to see, and they demonstrated how the filters work. It was also a blessing to see how both clean water and the Living Water through God’s Word has impacted their lives!

We spent some time at the Rejoice Project office organizing supplies for the Rejoice Project camps that will be doing this week. It was amazing to serve together and prepare!  

Finally, we fellowshipped with one of the Rejoice Project staff and his family! It was a wonderful time to get to know each other, laugh, and share with each other what God has done. It has truly been a blessing and encouragement to be among our African brothers and sisters in Christ. 

~ Jasmine Evans

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