Days 6 and 7: Heading Back and Enjoying the City

Yesterday morning, we woke up early and got on the bus to make our way to Antiqua. When we finally got there, we checked into our hotel and went to the local market. Everyone looked around and found fun souvenirs. We then headed back to the hotel and played Uno and some other games until the day was over.

The next day we had a slower morning, followed by another trip to the market. Afterwards, we went back to the hotel and changed before driving an hour to the volcano, Pacaya. The ride there was bumpy, but the drive was pretty. We rode horses all the way up to the volcano; the view was incredible. We ran down a little trail to a lava crater with dried lava from 2021 and even roasted marshmallows on the hot steam! Then we rode horses back down the volcano and drove back. We ate a huge amount of Dominos Pizza for dinner. And we all stayed up late playing cards and having fun!

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