Day 1: Scotland Team Update

July 13, 2024 | Glenrothes, Scotland

We started our day at Collydean Granary Baptist Church with a ladies’ seminar on dealing with anxiety from a biblical perspective.  A handful of ladies from the church and the nearby community joined our team for a teaching time led by Jennie followed by a craft time where all the ladies made decorative beaded crosses to take home.  It was a sweet time of fellowship, sharing, and getting to know each other (and, for Cara and Libby, a chance to reconnect with friends from last year!).

After a quick lunch at the church, we headed out to a park nearby in hopes that we could meet some kids from the neighborhood and invite them to the Holiday Club (VBS) next week at the church.  We got a slow start because the weather was a little overcast and drizzly, so there weren’t many kids out playing (not to mention the fact that random Americans – especially old dudes – in their local park were perhaps a little unsettling!).  When a few of the Collydean kids came out and joined us for some games, they helped us by pulling in some of their friends and we ended up spending a couple of hours playing some great impromptu made-up games (thanks, Mike!). Frisbees, hula hoops, and whiffle balls were a hit!

The cool (high of 59F today!) drizzly afternoon made things challenging for a little bit, but eventually it cleared up enough for more people to come out and join us.  Kenny is a big football (“soccer”) fan and he was able to connect and kick a ball around at the park while talking to them about football teams and players and skills.

The immediate connection of being with brothers and sisters in Christ has been sweet to see and experience.  As we’ve met various members of the faith families of both Collydean and Glenrothes Baptist Churches, the sweet fellowship of the Holy Spirit has been obvious even though we are normally almost 4,000 miles apart and many of us have never met until the last 24 hours.

You can pray for our team as we continue to serve and that the Lord would provide opportunities for us to minister both to church members and community members here in Glenrothes.  We were all super tired last night from the travel day and so we all slept well due to exhaustion … pray for the jet lag that might be more of a challenge tomorrow.  Please also remember Jennie as she is dealing with ankle/foot pain and the boot on her left foot.  Tomorrow will be a blessed day of worship, spending time with both churches and making plans for the Holiday Club starting on Monday – thanks for remembering us as we worship our Lord and Savior a few hours ahead of the rest of y’all back at Hebron!

– Kevin Snead

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