Armenia Update 3: Places of Worship

Wednesday, March 5, the team drove to the Garni Temple, a structure originally built as a pagan temple and later rebuilt and regarded as an important pre-Christian monument. We stopped here and prayed for a number of Armenians who are beginning to participate in pagan worship in attempt to connect to their heritage.  We drove to…

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Armenia Update 2: Stories, Fellowship and Prayer

Today, we spent the morning with our partners at their workplace in an unhurried time of worship, prayer, and devotion. This multi-language extended time with brothers and sisters from across the globe, including those from adversarial nations who now work together, was a picture of the equipping and building up of the body of Christ…

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Armenia Update 1: Faithful to Pray

Monday, we did a prayer walk through the city of Yerevan, stopping at 6 important locations to pray over the city. All of these locations (i.e., St. Gregory’s Cathedral, Republic Square, the Armenian National Opera and Ballet, and others) are gathering spaces where Armenian believers encounter nonbelievers regularly. In these places across Yerevan, we stoped…

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East Africa Update 5: Rejoice Project Camp

Today was another great day here in East Africa, working with Rejoice Project. We spent the day helping provide clean water filters to schools, making sure the kids have access to safe water and know how to use the filters. I also had a lot of fun running games with the kids and taking pictures…

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East Africa Update 4: Men and Women of the Word

Today, we held the first ever women’s conference in the community while Nathanael led a pastor’s training with the men down the road. By the Lord’s grace, more than 80 faithful women in the community gathered today to worship, learn, and encourage each other. Our African sisters led us in worship and a teaching from…

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East Africa Update 3: Worship and Fellowship

Today was an incredible day of worshipping the Lord through song, dance, and fellowship! It was amazing to worship the Lord with our East African brothers and sisters in Christ. Their passion for the Lord and worshipping Him was so inspiring and encouraging.  We went to a home in the community for a water filter…

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East Africa Update 2: Sharing Life Together

We had a wonderful and humbling day with the Rejoice project leaders. They share their life with us and taught us how to make some of the local dishes. We even caught a chicken and had it for lunch. It was a sacrificial gift from the families we visited. The women were a wonderful testimony…

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East Africa Update 1: Travels and Introductions

Our team arrived safely after a long travel day. We had the gift of a good night sleep and woke up ready for the day. After a big brunch and a time of arranging supplies, we packed up the cars again, stopped at a market and then headed to the community where we will be…

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Scotland Update 5: Faithful to Share

We enjoyed a full day of ministry and enjoyed watching our team serve in so many ways. Between another morning with “Toddlers” and people serving customers in the Bridge Café (a full café the church operates and uses as a ministry outreach), our team loved the opportunities to share the love of Christ. We had…

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Scotland Update 4: From Toddlers to Senior Adults

We had a full productive day today. We began this morning by helping with the church’s “Toddlers” program at Glenrothes. There were 40+ toddlers from church and the community. Toddlers filled the room, which was scattered with toys, and their moms, grandmothers, or guardians sat along the walls. Our team welcomed the adults and had…

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