Posts by Linda Wilkins
Taste of the Nations
April 21 · 5 p.m. · Building E, Gym We were excited to enjoy our Taste of the Nations during our Quarterly Member Meeting! Our Missions Team shared about upcoming opportunities to serve locally, nationally, and internationally. To see these opportunities, you can click here.
Read MoreDay 3: Church Plants, Snow, & Syrup
Day 3 in Vermont was a success! We were able to go to the multiplication center in Rutland where they train new pastors on how to plant a church. We then got to do a prayer walk through Middlebury which has one of the most liberal colleges in the country. As a side trip, we…
Read MoreDay 3: Easter in Guatemala
On Easter Sunday, we got to experience church en Español! I had a great time. I couldn’t understand much of the service, but I did get, “In Christ, we have a LIVING hope. Without the resurrection, we only have a dead hope.” Also, I think Hebron should add a trumpet to the worship service –…
Read MoreDay 1: Airports, Buses, and Markets
Our students have arrived in Guatemala! Several students shared that the trip there was very smooth. Most of the students slept on the flight to Miami, where they prepared their belongings for customs before the 2 1/2-half-hour flight to Guatemala. After landing, they met another student group preparing to head back to America. Unfortunately, the…
Read MoreDay 9: Going Home
We made it to the airport and are heading back! Thank you for all of your prayers and support. It has been a truly wonderful time being able to support the Rejoice Project leaders in Kenya. They were so welcoming, joyful, and encouraging. Here is a message from Johannes, one of our Choose to Invest…
Read MoreDay 8: Goodbye
Today was our last day of Rejoice Camp. As we said goodbye to the Rejoice Project leaders, our team was grateful and encouraged to have served alongside these sweet people for the week. We were reminded of the urgency of the Gospel and to care for our community as image bearers that reflect the light…
Read MoreDay 7: Rejoice Camp
Today was a great day spent with the Kenyan children at our first day of the Rejoice Camp! The children were so sweet and lively, and we got to serve alongside the Rejoice Project leaders. The children played games, did science projects, painted, and heard Bible lessons. Thirty-three children professed faith in Christ today!…
Read MoreDay 6: Restoration Ministries & Water Filters
We conducted training today for 60 pastors in the community. We spent the morning teaching them about our Restoration and Recovery Ministry, and we walked them through the new Recovery Alive curriculum, including the 12 steps. We also handed out books. In the afternoon, we taught a lesson on the Gospel and how to recognize…
Read MoreDay 5: Distributing Water Filters
Today, we had the pleasure of distributing water filters and Bibles! It was so encouraging to see how excited everyone was to receive the filters but also to receive the Word of God. We also had the opportunity to drive by the CTI (Choose to Invest) Empowerment Center and plant some trees on the property.…
Read MoreDay 4: Encouragement in Ephesians 2
Today, I got the opportunity to share a word of encouragement from Ephesians 2 at the church in the local community. They have partnered with Choose to Invest for years in order to serve and support their local community. They’ve expanded their discipleship network greatly! Believers will walk for miles to attend church, which is…
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