Posts by Linda Wilkins
Kenya Update 4: Rejoice Project & Kids
The last two days we had the opportunity to partner with Rejoice Project leaders to minister to 100 children. These leaders volunteer each week to teach in schools and churches, teaching the gospel and making disciples. Because of their investment in the next generation, they are often called on by the community to help serve…
Read MoreKenya Update 3: Visiting in the Community
Today, we had the incredible opportunity to visit the homes of four families in the community. We were able to get a glimpse of the lives of the people here and the everyday tasks that families have to do to prepare meals. We were able to serve the families by helping with these everyday tasks…
Read MoreScotland Update 3: Holiday Club
We have started our Holiday Club in Collydean! We have had about nine children each day. We are having a great time singing songs, playing games, and doing crafts. But the most important thing is our Bible time. Today, Kevin taught about Paul’s miraculous conversion and how we have to run with perseverance the race…
Read MoreKenya Update 2: Celebrating Pastor Trainings
Today was powerful as we assisted with and celebrated the culmination of three years of pastor training in the community. The day consisted of a recap of the lessons these Kenyan pastors were taught and a ceremony handing out Completion Certificates. Certificates are big deal in their culture, both to validate their authority as a…
Read MoreUpdate 1: Kenya’s First Two Days
What a blessing our time in Kenya has already been in these first two days! We had a great first day exploring the local city. We spent time with the wonderful leaders that are here serving in their communities day in and day out. We were also able to visit the site of the water…
Read MoreUpdate 2: Sunday in Scotland
This morning, as we worshipped the Lord with our brothers and sisters in Scotland, we experienced the unity we have in Christ. We celebrated with Collydean as they welcomed four new members into their church. Cara and I were especially excited about one of the ladies joining who we met last year. Since we last…
Read MoreDay 1: Scotland Team Update
July 13, 2024 | Glenrothes, Scotland We started our day at Collydean Granary Baptist Church with a ladies’ seminar on dealing with anxiety from a biblical perspective. A handful of ladies from the church and the nearby community joined our team for a teaching time led by Jennie followed by a craft time where all the…
Read MoreMontana: Part 3
Today was a great day for the coaches and for salvations! Today and tomorrow are the days where coaches will explain the significance of salvation and encourage the kids to make a decision for Christ. There were many souls saved today. We will get a count in the days ahead. It was a beautiful day,…
Read MoreMontana: Part 2
Monday was a great first day! The final registration count with new additions is just over 500. The coaches got to know the kids and introduce what the week ahead would look like. Bible studies went well as an introduction to the spiritual journey. The kids are precious! (And well behaved.) This year seems to…
Read MoreMontana: Kicking Off a Week of Sports Camp
The Montana team arrived safely in Billings on Saturday! Don McDaniel shared that the team had a safe flight (despite turbulence) and their luggage arrived on time. On Sunday, the team worshipped with Pastor Ray Willis and Ken Kirby. Richard Sims wrote, “We had a great time…
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